Seyyone Assisting a Urology Clinic With Their EMR Management and Scribe
In 2014, the top level management of a urology clinic got in contact with Seyyone looking for options whether Seyyone can help them with their EMR management and Scribe. Considering the seriousness involved with the process, the president of the practice, a urology surgeon, came down to Coimbatore to have a discussion with the Seyyone team over this. Our team of highly skilled medical transcriptionists and EMR management team had a series of brainstorming sessions with the physician and we found various ways of helping them out with EMR management.
The first thing that was demanding much of their time and resources was the filing of scanned documents into appropriate patient records. This seemingly simple job needed a lot of concentration and time to do it accurately. Any mistake in this could lead to one patient’s files ending up in another patient’s records, which could create a lot of confusion for the reviewing physician. So, we ensured them that our EMR management team is well qualified, as they have years of medical transcription experience and they will be utmost careful in handling medical records and we proved the same.
The second thing was abstraction of most relevant lab values into the patient’s EMR. For a urology clinic, urinalysis and PSA are the most important lab values which every physician would like to review whenever a patient is seen at a urology clinic. So our urology clinic had its EMR designed in such a way that it had options to enter these values into the patient’s EMR so that it would be easy to compare the recent ones with the older ones. This again was a work which required utmost concentration and accuracy and we could easily help with our EMR management team.
The third thing the physician was concerned about was confirmation of physicians’ orders getting realized before the patients come in for their follow-up visits. The physician might have ordered some labs, diagnostic studies in the previous visit and the patient may have forgotten to get this lab work done, so the patient needs to be reminded about this, at least two days before the appointment. So, what we suggested was that two days before the appointment, we will check the patient’s previous visit orders and find out whether the orders have been carried out, whether the results are available, if not, we would inform the clinic’s front office staff who would then remind the patient about this. This worked wonders for them and now there are no missing order results whatsoever when the patient checks in.
After training our team with the above services, the physician spent two more days auditing the work before he gave the nod to go ahead with these services. He was extremely satisfied with our work and we have been successfully providing these services to them since 2014.
Seyyone was able to prove its adaptability with its excellent resources for this urology clinic and sees this is as a new area of opportunity to grow into more avenues of EMR management services. Now since Seyyone has successfully accomplished all of the above services, the urology clinic has offered Seyyone coding and billing services too, which Seyyone is equally competently handling to the client’s utmost satisfaction.